Lutfi Nur Hakim

About me

A final-year student from the Singapore University of Technology & Design graduating in August 2022. Pursuing a Bachelor's Degree of Engineering (Engineering Systems & Design) with a double focus-track of Operations Research & Business Analytics and Supply Chain & Logistics Management. I enjoy analyzing operations and optimizing processes by utilizing softwares, data analytics or developing automation solutions. Constantly keeping up with the latest technologies which could assist in future projects.

Technical Skills

Here are some of my technical skils and interests that I have gained from project and internship experiences.

  • Data Analytics & Data Science
  • Dashboard Development
  • Spreadsheet Management
  • Process Improvement

Project Showcase

Some of the work done as school projects and on my own time to put into practice some of the technical knowledge gained.

Weather Tweets Sentiment Analysis

A project which features a task of classifying user's sentiments through tweets related to weather.

COVID-19 Lockdown Effectiveness Analysis

A project to analyze ceertain aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic which intrigued me. I chose to analyze the effectiveness of lockdowns on combatting infection rate.

Diabetes Prediction Project

A self-initiated project to determine an appropriate algorithm to predict a patient having diabetes and its contributing factors.

Singapore Motor Vehicle Population Dashboard

A self-initiated project to create an interactive dashboard to visualize the population of motor vehicle users in Singapore from the year 2005.

Adam Optimizer Research Project

A school project to research any particular topic related to machine learning.


Some courses taken to further my knowledge and delve deeper into Data Analytics & Data Science techniques.

Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp

A Python course with a focus on utilizing data visualization libraries such as matplotlib and seaborn as well as machine learning algorithms through the use of the sci-kit learn library.

R Programming A-Z: R For Data Science with Real Exercises

Foundational R programming concepts with an emphasis on data visualization and statistical analysis.

The Complete SQL Bootcamp 2021: Go from Zero to Hero

An introductory course on how to create complex queries in PostgreSQL to generate query reports alike in real-world situations.